Good afternoon,

Since announcing our ratification vote scheduled for tomorrow, we’ve received a lot of interest from members, and we’re looking forward to seeing you all.

Your Bargaining Committee is spending today preparing everything you will need to decide whether to ratify the new Collective Agreement.

We’ve also heard concerns regarding the date, the changes you will vote on, and the hours.

First, the reason for the prompt ratification vote date, is that many of the new benefits and compensation, your Bargaining Committee was successful in negotiating, are tied to a successful ratification vote; that is to say, many of the new benefits and compensation will start AFTER a successful vote, so delays to the ratification vote, mean delays to benefits and compensation for you, the membership – this delay is what we are trying to minimize.

Second, regarding the information you will be voting on; there are lots of changes to the Collective Agreement which require context for you to make an informed decision. Once you arrive tomorrow, and we verify that you are a CUPE Local 4000 member, we’ll provide you with everything you need to make an informed vote.


Third, regarding the hours of the vote; it has been pointed out that some members are finding it challenging to attend due to their work hours. Your Bargaining Committee agrees and is sorry for this oversight.

The new hours for the ratification vote tomorrow, July 26, 2024, at 32 Colonnade Road N, Unit 200, will be from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

In solidary,

Your CUPE Local 4000 Bargaining Committee


Hello CUPE Local 4000 Membership,

We’re pleased tell you, that after seven full, and sometimes challenging days of bargaining, your CUPE Local 4000 Bargaining Committee has come to a tentative agreement with The Ottawa Hospital, for the renewal of our Collective Agreement.

What this means, is that we are prepared to recommend that the Local 4000 membership vote in favour, of the new tentative agreement.

As we understand you’re interested in reviewing all these changes, we’ve scheduled the ratification vote as soon as reasonably possible.

The ratification vote will take place in person at the CUPE Local 4000 Union Hall, at 32 Colonnade Road N, Unit 200, Ottawa, ON , K2E 7J6 , from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM this Friday, July 26, 2024.

During that period, you’ll have an opportunity to review all the changes to the Collective Agreement, ask any questions you’d like clarification on, and vote whether you’re in favour of the new agreement.

Thank you for the continued support, you, the membership, have given your CUPE Local 4000 Bargaining Committee.

In solidarity,

Your CUPE Local 4000 Bargaining Committee 


Your CUPE Local 4000 Bargaining Committee has now completed five full days of
bargaining with the Hospital.

As we’ve made some progress, we’ll continue bargaining on July 23rd, 24th, and possibly the 25th. We intend to utilize these dates to come to a fair, freely negotiated
settlement with the Hospital, which the Bargaining Committee can then recommend to you, the membership.

In case these bargaining dates aren’t productive, we’ve scheduled conciliation during that same period. This is a necessary step in order for us to proceed to Arbitration and receive an Award, if coming to a fair, negotiated settlement with the Hospital proves impossible.

As always, we’ll continue to update you as things develop,

In solidarity,
Your CUPE Local 4000 Bargaining Committee


A few updates.
First, we’re pleased to confirm that your CUPE Local 4000 Bargaining Committee
has secured five bargaining days with the Hospital scheduled for May and June. We
look forward to submitting proposals to improve our working conditions and
compensation, thereby improving the experience of patients treated at TOH.
Second, you may have heard about the OCHU/OHA Arbitration Award, released on
April 18, 2024. Although we do not fall under the Award, it will affect us as they are
a comparator that can influence our bargaining.
As always, we’ll continue to communicate as things develop,

In solidarity,
Your CUPE Local 4000 Bargaining Committee


As you know, yesterday, we had conciliation with The Ottawa Hospital and a government-appointed conciliator.

We’d hoped that with the outcome of the Central Award, the Hospital would come to their senses and make a fair offer to the membership.

Unfortunately, not only did the Hospital refuse to match Central compensation, but they reduced their monetary offer and worsened their language proposals.

Their final offer was worse than what they offered on our previous day of bargaining. Their proposals included language that could decrease full-time jobs while decreasing compensation for part-time workers; and language that removed key provisions of your job security. It was insulting.

After this insulting ultimatum, they refused to negotiate any further unless we accepted the agreement; we told them that under no uncertain terms would we accept an agreement so inferior to the Central Award and their last offer. We told the conciliator that since the Hospital refuses to negotiate further, we’ll see them in arbitration, where an arbitrator will decide the outcome.

Your CUPE Local 4000 Bargaining Committee will not recommend an agreement to the membership that doesn’t give us what we deserve.

We’ve scheduled a virtual Townhall this Saturday, July 8th, at noon. See the link and QR code.

You may have heard and seen our campaign online and on the radio. The campaign will expand until the membership has a fair deal. Thank you to all who have supported the bargaining committee already; we’ll continue to rely on your support.

We hope to see you on Saturday.

In solidarity,

Your CUPE Local 4000 Bargaining Committee

Say “thank-you” to our frontline hospital heroes

Join CUPE Local 4000 to say “thank-you” to our frontline hospital heroes.

Take a moment to reflect on the remarkable work all hospital workers do to keep us safe and healthy. Workers in administration, housekeeping, patient transportation, food services, trades, and nursing are all part of our health system and are vital to our COVID-19 response and recovery.

This year, against the backdrop of the pandemic, their working conditions and legal workplace rights have been put to the test. Yet, hospital workers have been and continue to provide life-saving services on the frontline.

In recognition of their important, critical work in such unprecedented times, we invite the community to thank our members by sending them messages of appreciation, gratitude, and support.

Send your message now.

Join CUPE Local 4000’s mailing list for updates on campaigns, advocacy, and how we’re improving conditions for hospital workers.



Virtual Town Hall / via zoom
September 14, 2021
7:30 p.m.

In accordance with Section 13 – Nomination, Election and Installation of Officers and Steward of the Local 4000 By-Laws, nominations for the following positions (number of Directors per Unit as determined by Section 7 – Officers) shall take place at the September 14, 2021 membership meeting;

Unit A    Civic Campus

1 Vice President (Unit A & B), 3 Directors, 1 Chief Steward

Unit B    Civic Campus

1 Chief Steward, 3 Directors

Unit C    General Campus

1 Vice President (Unit C & D), 3 Directors, 1 Chief Steward

Unit D   General Campus

1 Chief Steward,  4 Directors

Unit E    Riverside Campus / Riverside

1 Vice President (Unit E),  2 Directors, 1 Chief Steward

Unit F    All Sub-Locals

2 directors (Valley Stream Manor, Barrhaven Manor,   Windsor Manor, Rideau Place, Spectrum Patient Transfer, Ottawa Fertility Clinic)

Nominations may be submitted by completing and submitting the Nomination Form, or in person at the General Membership meeting.