Opposition to Ford’s Agenda is Building: Local 4000 Members Join Health Coalition Rally of More than 10000

75% of Ontarians think the Conservatives are going down the ‘wrong path’: poll

On April 30th, Members from our local boarded buses to Toronto joining 10000 others at a rally at

Queen’s Park, to launch a major campaign organized by the Ontario Health Coalition

to protect our public health care system from Ford’s cuts and privatization agenda.

Links to 2 short videos to share on social media are copied below with more to follow:


Bargaining Update

CUPE Local 4000 met on two occasions with the Ottawa Hospital in collective bargaining, both times with the assistance of a Mediator. There was a third date scheduled, however the hospital cancelled that date due to “other priorities”.

CUPE Local 4000 continues to pursue proposals prioritized  by the membership with compromises offered in negotiations with the employer. Despite the best efforts of all, including the mediator, the hospital continues to table demands for concessions in response. These are major concessions that the Local simply cannot accept in the best interest of the membership.

Bargaining ended May 9th with the Union tabling a comprehensive package in response to all outstanding issues, as well as an alternative position for the Hospital’s consideration. We expect to hear back from them in the next 7-10 days, and will update the membership as soon as we have an opportunity to review the Employer’s response.

Please watch for updates in the coming days, including at the General Membership meeting on Tuesday May 14 at 730 PM. The floor will be open for suggestions on any potential actions the membership wishes to discuss in order to support the Bargaining Committee in reaching a collective agreement that respectfully reflects our members and the work of our membership.

Les membre du comité de négociation de la section locale 4000 du SCFP s’est réunie à deux reprises avec l’Hôpital d’Ottawa pour les négociations de la convention collectives deux fois avec l’aide d’un médiateur. Une troisième date était prévue, mais l’hôpital a annulé cette date en raison « d’autres priorités ».

Le comité continue de suivre le mandat priorisées par les membres. Cependant, malgré tous les efforts, y compris ceux du médiateur, l’Hôpital continue de faire des demandes de concessions. Ce sont des compromis majeurs qu’on ne peut tout simplement pas accepter dans le meilleur intérêt des membres.

Les négociations ont pris fin hier soir, le 9 mai, avec le dépôt d’une offre par le syndicat en réponse à toutes les questions en suspens, ainsi qu’une autre position à prendre en considération par l’hôpital. Nous espérons avoir de leurs nouvelles dans les 7 à 10 prochains jours et nous informerons les membres dès que nous aurons eu l’occasion de passer en revue la réponse de l’employeur.

Surveillez les mises à jour dans les prochains jours, y compris lors de l’assemblée générale des membres, mardi 14 mai à 19h30. La parole sera donnée pour des suggestions sur des actions potentielles que les membres souhaitent discuter afin d’aider le comité de négociation à conclure un accord qui reflète avec respect le travail de toutes et tous.

In Solidarity,

Lou Burri, President CUPE/SCFP 4000




The Ottawa Hospital is moving quickly to close the in-house cafeteria kitchen at the Riverside Campus that serves patients, their families and staff these “home-style” meals and replace it with an outsourced take out food company. Please take a minute to sign the online petition that asks the Ottawa Hospital to keep the Riverside Cafeteria open and to stop the contract the hospital is planning to sign with a fast food chain.

Replacing home-cooked meals with fast food is a bad idea.

When a hospital does it, it’s really a bad idea.

Many of the more than 300 patients each day who receive care and support from the kidney, dialysis and other clinics at the Ottawa Hospital’s Riverside Campus get vouchers for a home-style meal at the in-house cafeteria following their treatment. Patients’ family members often eat with them.

Ottawa Hospital staff also enjoy meals at the Riverside cafeteria.

But the hospital is moving quickly to contract out the in-house kitchen to a fast-food chain. We feel the hospital should lead by example and not only continue to operate the in-house Riverside cafeteria, but make it better by serving even more wholesome, nutritious meals.

If you agree with us and want to keep the Riverside cafeteria cooking, please take the time to sign our petition.


Government documents leaked to the opposition NDP show that the
Doug Ford PCs are planning unprecedented changes to our health care
system that would cut, merge, privatize and restructure all aspects of
patient care and delivery.
Many public health care experts and advocates agree that what the PCs
are proposing, and the speed that they intend to carry all this out, will
cause great upheaval and pose risks to patients, as care is realigned,
cut or privatized.

For more information, click here

Bargaining Update February 2019

CUPE Local 4000 and The Ottawa Hospital met February 7th in mediation to finally try to
reach an agreement for contract negotiations . There was good discussion on outstanding
issues but both parties remain apart. More dates have been scheduled with Mediator David
Jewitt in April. More updates to follow after those meetings.


Mise à jour sur les négociations
La section locale 4000 du SCFP et L’Hôpital d’Ottawa se sont rencontrés le 7 février dans le
cadre d’une médiation pour le renouvellement de la convention collective. Il y a eu de bonnes
discussions sur des questions en suspens mais les deux parties sont encore loin d’une
entente. D’autres dates sont prévus en avril avec le médiateur David Jewitt. Des mises à jour
suivront après ces rencontres.

Important Bargaining Update – Note From President

As you are aware, C.U.P.E. Local 4000 and the Ottawa Hospital met on November 14, 2018 for Conciliation.

Despite the effort of the conciliation officer, The Ottawa Hospital refused, once again, to respond to the Unions proposals, while maintaining their demand for numerous concessions.

While the Union remains committed to freely negotiating a collective agreement, we had no choice but to request a “No Board Report”, which will start the process towards arbitration.

In the interim, please stay connected with your union representatives for any further updates or possible actions the Union will be promoting, with the goal of having the Employer return to the bargaining table with the same commitment as your union.

Lou Burri,