Bargaining Update February 2019

CUPE Local 4000 and The Ottawa Hospital met February 7th in mediation to finally try to
reach an agreement for contract negotiations . There was good discussion on outstanding
issues but both parties remain apart. More dates have been scheduled with Mediator David
Jewitt in April. More updates to follow after those meetings.


Mise à jour sur les négociations
La section locale 4000 du SCFP et L’Hôpital d’Ottawa se sont rencontrés le 7 février dans le
cadre d’une médiation pour le renouvellement de la convention collective. Il y a eu de bonnes
discussions sur des questions en suspens mais les deux parties sont encore loin d’une
entente. D’autres dates sont prévus en avril avec le médiateur David Jewitt. Des mises à jour
suivront après ces rencontres.

Important Bargaining Update – Note From President

As you are aware, C.U.P.E. Local 4000 and the Ottawa Hospital met on November 14, 2018 for Conciliation.

Despite the effort of the conciliation officer, The Ottawa Hospital refused, once again, to respond to the Unions proposals, while maintaining their demand for numerous concessions.

While the Union remains committed to freely negotiating a collective agreement, we had no choice but to request a “No Board Report”, which will start the process towards arbitration.

In the interim, please stay connected with your union representatives for any further updates or possible actions the Union will be promoting, with the goal of having the Employer return to the bargaining table with the same commitment as your union.

Lou Burri,