

RE: CORONAVIRUS (2019-nCoV) (Wuhan coronavirus)

The Wuhan coronavirus is a new virus that has been widely reported in the media lately. Originating in Wuhan, China, the coronavirus “2019-nCoV” is an illness in the same family as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).

Workers in the sectors of health care and transportation are at a greater risk of exposure to the virus. Employers in these sectors should already have effective plans in place for regular day-to-day interactions as well as protocols to follow for pandemic events.

CUPE National’s Health and Safety Branch has developed an information fact sheet that includes measures of control to prevent exposure to the coronavirus in the workplace.

Please share the following links with your locals:



For more information on respiratory illness and pandemic influenza please review the attached fact sheets.

Influenza Fact Sheet

Respiratory Protection

Vacation Requests

Good Morning Members,

Please note that CUPE members have until January 15th to submit for summer vacation. Please see below for details regarding booking time off.

Thank you.

Local 4000 Executive Election Results

Greetings Members

The final 6 ballots were tabulated earlier today, and after a recount for one position, the results for the following positions were confirmed:

President  – Lou Burri
First VP – Robert Gauthier
Recording Secretary – Lindsay Melville
Secretary Treasurer – Alain Robert
Executive Chief Steward – Andrew Skinner

Candidates and their scrutineers were advised of the reasons for the delay in announcing these results. The process for proceeding was discussed with the affected candidates.

Any further questions regarding the process followed and/or reasons for the delay in tabulating the results can be addressed at the next General Membership Meeting (January 14, 2020).

Thank you to all the candidates, and to the membership for your patience.

CUPE 4000 Elections – December 10, 2019

LOCAL 4000


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Notice: For the President, First Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Secretary-Treasurer, Executive Chief Steward positions.

Election Candidates 

President Burri, Lou

Driskell, Rob

First Vice-President Fox, Marilena

Gauthier, Robert

Recording-Secretary Ford, Jason

McDonald, Sylvie

Melville, Lindsay

Secretary-Treasurer Levac, Pierre

Markell, Kimberly

Robert, Alain

Stroud, Geoff

Executive Chief Steward Sincennes, Sylvain

Skinner, Andrew


Please check the spelling of your name as it appears on this notice. This is how your name will appear on the ballot unless you otherwise notify Andrew Atkinson (

Please notify Andrew of your choice for scrutineer prior to December 10. Scrutineers cannot be a candidate for any office in this election and are not booked off by the Local. Only those members named as Scrutineers will be permitted in the count room.

The Local requires approximately 20 members to work election tables on December 10. The Local will arrange for paid union leave for interested members. Please contact Election Chair Andrew Atkinson ( if interested.