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President's Message


Updated: Feb 7

2024 has been a momentous year for CUPE L4000.  Our bargaining teams for The Ottawa Hospital and Bridlewood Trails successful negotiated tentative agreements that went on to be ratified by membership with significant gains to both collective agreements. 

Through our strike avert campaign (Operation Care-Giver) we successful maintained pressure through targeted information pickets, online petitions and radio ads leading into interest arbitration for Prince of Wales Manor, Barrhaven Manor and Windsor Park.  The employer is stalling to continue meaningful negotiations for Valley Stream while we wait for the release of the awards. 

After the employer of Marianhill LTC requested a no-board in conciliation the Local is preparing for interest arbitration for their new CA with protection against contracting out work to agency workers a high priority.

Looking toward to 2025 we have several initiatives in the works including the continued fight against the privatization of healthcare, assurances on P3 “new” Civic Campus, pending provincial elections and expanding the Local by exploring new membership opportunities.  With the expiry of some CA(s) will be heading back to the bargaining table for Prince of Wales Manor, Barrhaven Manor and Windsor Park (Cogir) early in the new year and The Ottawa Hospital in the fall. 

I want to thank the membership for their continuing support and wish everyone the best for the holidays.  See you in 2025!!

ROBERT GAUTHIER                                                                

President—CUPE Local 4000                                                 

613-722-0652 ext. 273                                                          


CUPE 4000

32 Colonnade Rd. North, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K2E7J6

Office Hours: Monday to Friday  8:00am to 4:00pm

Phone: 613-722-0652
Fax: 613-722-2246

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